Our Program

About the Purdue I-O Psychology Program

Alt text: Students and faculty in a classroom during colloquium.

About Purdue University

Alt text: Photos of Purdue University campus, featuring the Active Learning Center (top), and Purdue bell tower (bottom).

UN Global Compact

Alt text: Graphic depicting 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 

UN Global Compact.

Read our program's most recent UN Global Compact report here!

2022 UNGC COE.pdf

Purdue Psychology Awards

Alt text: Photo of Stuti Thapa and her advisor, Louis Tay, during the graduate student award ceremony, taken Spring 2023.

Students and faculty are often recognized for their excellence in research, teaching, and mentoring through a variety of program and departmental awards. Dr. Willam H. Hendrix, who received his Ph.D. from Purdue University in 1974, and who is a Professor Emeritus of Management at Clemson University, has generously endowed two annual awards; one to recognize an I-O psychology faculty member for excellence in research and one to recognize an I-O psychology graduate student for excellence in research. These awards are listed below:

Additionally, students in our program have been recognized with the John and Joyce Schaeuble Award for quantitative approaches to psychological sciences and the Joseph Tiffin Award for creative and contributory research.