Program Admissions and Funding
Admissions process is highly competitive. We typically receive upwards of 100 applications and admit only a few students each year.
GRE scores: We look for high score in both verbal and quantitative ability. Graduate students should also have strong analytic writing scores as research writing is highly valued.
GPA: Admitted students usually have GPAs between 3.5 and 4.0 although sometimes the overall GPA is lower due to change in major or other circumstances. The average undergraduate GPA of our current students is 3.64.
Past research experience: We are particularly interested in students who have undergraduate or post-undergraduate research experience. We also consider students who have an MA/MS degree in I-O psychology or an allied field favorably.
Alignment of interests: We look closely at the statement of interest to see if there is good alignment of research interests between students and faculty members. Interested students are encouraged to contact faculty members with whom they are interested in working.
Funding: All graduate students are admitted with funding. An admitted student will typically work as a graduate teaching assistant (TA) for 20 hours per week during the academic year. A TA will receive a nine month stipend and tuition waiver. Additionally, students may receive funding during summers if they obtain a TA position or if they are employed as a research assistant (RA). All graduate students will have guaranteed funding for five years provided they are making good progress toward their PhD. Several other sources of funding are available throughout a student's program, including:
Research assistantships
Quantitative training funds
Tiffin and Lawshe awards and fellowships that support thesis and dissertation research
Andrews/Ross Fellowships for new students
Funds from the Purdue Research Foundation
Teaching assistant and graduate instructor awards
Conference travel support
Doctoral consortia support
How to Apply
Ready to apply? To get started on your application to the Industrial-Organizational Psychology program at Purdue University, click here.
Resources & Advice on How to Apply to Graduate Programs
To help navigate the grad school application process, our program has assembled a guide with some best tips and practices for those preparing for grad school applications, especially in I-O Psychology. These materials were created by Purdue I-O Psychology Alumnus, Dr. Melissa Keith. We hope that this information will be helpful to you as you prepare and plan for graduate school!
The guide covers the following topics:
How to write a CV
Personal statement
Asking for letters of recommendation
GRE 101
Emailing faculty
A practical timeline/checklist for applying to graduate school
How to choose a graduate school program
What is graduate school like?
Advice on Preparing for Grad School: Tips from our Faculty
In fall 2020, our faculty assembled their advice and resources on how to prepare for graduate school.
Read on below to hear their words of wisdom!